EasyTorch is a research-oriented pytorch prototyping framework with a straightforward learning curve. It is highly robust and contains almost everything needed to perform any state-of-the-art experiments.
def _init_optimizer(self):
Initialize optimizers.
self.optimizer['adam'] = torch.optim.Adam(self.nn['model'].parameters(), lr=self.conf['learning_rate'])
def training_iteration(self, i, batch):
### Optional
If you need complex/mixed training steps, it can be done here.
If not, no need to extend this method
it = self.iteration(batch)
return it
def save_predictions(self, dataset, its):
If one wants to save predictions(For example, segmentation result.)
def new_meter(self):
"""Track two averages like GAN losses(Generator and Fiscriminator)"""
return ETMeter(num_averages=2)
def init_experiment_cache(self):
An extra layer to reset cache for each dataspec. For example:
1. Set a new score to monitor:
self.cache['monitor_metric'] = 'Precision'
self.cache['metric_direction'] = 'maximize'
self.cache['monitor_metric'] = 'MSE'
self.cache['metric_direction'] = 'minimize'
to save latest model
self.cache['monitor_metric'] = 'time'
self.cache['metric_direction'] = 'maximize'
2. Set new log_headers based on what is returned by get() method
of your implementation of easytorch.metrics.ETMetrics and easytorch.metrics.ETAverages class:
For example:
- The get method of easytorch.metrics.ETAverages class returns the average loss value.
- The get method of easytorch.metrics.Prf1a returns Accuracy,F1,Precision,Recall
- so Default heade is [Loss,Precision,Recall,F1,Accuracy]
3. Set new log_dir based on different experiment versions on each datasets as per info. received from arguments.